Saturday, January 30, 2010

A week of cake and presents

Yo, birthdays are fun! I've been told that this wasn't my first birthday, but I really can't remember ever having such big fun as I did last week. Even washing up to get all of the frosting off of my face was fun!
I wonder if it was as fun for ND Emily? Man she's cute, even covered in frosting!My friends and family kept giving me presents, and Mommy kept on baking cake and cupcakes. I think she was trying to fatten me up so that I would weigh more at my 2 year check-up, but that was all in vain as I REFUSED to cooperate at my appointment. I KNOW what goes on in those doctors' offices -- nothing but shots and throat cultures. So I would not get on the scale and I absolutely would NOT stand against the wall to be measured. I screamed so loud I know they will never take me back there again. Haha!

But back to the good stuff...presents! Even though I had to wait to open them while Daddy figured out how to Skype with Babu and Papa...
And kisses! I am so lucky to have TWO Emily's to love!
Mommy also took me to the Connecticut Science Center, which was pretty awesome because I got to play with balls...
AND the same time!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

Tomorrow is my 2nd birthday! Can you believe how fast I'm growing up? Mommy made me a train cake, and we had a little party to celebrate. The cake was delicious!
And everyone sang me a song.