Sunday, November 23, 2008


Mommy and I have been getting around lately -- NYC last weekend and Chicago this week!  We flew on a big plane to go visit Mommy's very very good friends, Jen-nay and Sterbs.  They have 3 kids and one dog who were all so much fun to stay with!  

I'm not sure Basil loved me as much as I loved him...
Jen-nay makes amazing cakes, and when we arrived this masterpiece was waiting for us!
It was DEEE-licious!There were lots of fun things for me to do at Jen-nay's house.  She made us feel so at home.  She set up a bunch of toys for me to play with, set me up with a REAL crib to sleep in, got me my favorite foods, and made me laugh -- Jen-nay always has the best expressions.
Sarah was TONS of fun -- she let me climb on her while she was painting.
And she fed me!  Very well, too!
I had fun with Danny, who shared his toys with me.Michael was really funny, too -- I loved watching him run around and learning how to be a big boy from him.  And I think he learned how to make some fun expressions from his mom.
At one point the boys all swarmed Jen-nay.
Sterbs gave all of his kids a horsey ride -- at the SAME time!I really miss my new friends in Chicago.  It was so wonderful to wake up every day and have playmates right there, in the same house, waiting to share the day with me!  Mommy says we'll go back, and I cannot wait.  Thanks Jen-nay, Sterbs, Sarah, Michael, Danny, and Basil, for an awesome time!

Friday, November 14, 2008


Mommy and Daddy took me to the Big Apple again this past weekend.  There is so much to see and do there, I could hardly nap.  And I hardly did.  But I did lots of other stuff.  Like checking out the playground in Madison Square Park.
There was a fun mirror there!
We stayed with Gregor -- he is so funny!  He brought me this Hugh Heffner outfit from Singapore -- don't I look gooood, ladies?  I was going to wear it out and about the city, but then I peed in it.  So I don't think I'm quite ready for the Playboy Mansion.
Saturday afternoon we all went downtown to meet up with some friends at a German bar called Loreley.  
My new friend Rosemary came, too, with her parents.  
Mommy's friends Karen, Will and Billy came to the bar, too.  They serve good beer and great soft pretzels there.
On Sunday morning, Daddy and Gregor slept in so Mommy and I went out to breakfast at Veselka.  They have the yummiest pancakes there!  But not better than the ones Mommy makes for me.  Then we took a long walk around the East Village, and went by Mommy and Daddy's old apartment.  People, the building is HOT PINK!  I mean, neon eye-burning HOT PINK!  I don't know how they slept in that building, but at least they never got lost coming home at night --  you can see that thing from Central Park!  I couldn't stop staring.

On Monday Mommy and I took the train to New Jersey, to visit Mommy's friends Becca & Ryan.  They have two sons, Eoin and Kurt, and Becca is expecting a baby girl in February.  I'm not sure if Mr. Bones is always sitting in their living room, or if they didn't have a chance to take down the Halloween decorations yet.  
I had a lot of fun playing with -- or rather, watching -- the two older boys.  Kurt and I helped to unload the dishwasher.
We took the train home on Tuesday night, and Daddy met us at the train station.  It was so good to see him!
While NYC was fun, I missed my friends at home.  Especially my boo Emily.  She came over for lunch on Wednesday.
I had a ball, of course.
ND Emily came over to visit this afternoon.  I am up to my armpits in Emily's -- and that's the way I like it!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


We have a lot of hope in our house today!  I just wish I hadn't spit carrots all over my Obama shirt, I want to wear it today!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Total Wackiness!!!

Sorry I couldn't get back to you yesterday, but my parents kept me out SO LATE last night that I didn't have time to get online.  Check this out...they put me back into those weird clothes and then pushed me around in a stroller for hours, stopping at random people's houses along the way!  
In the dark!  
My peeps Jackson and Emily were there too, they can testify to the madness...
The weirdest part is that we weren't the only ones out doing this last night -- there were all sorts of people walking around our neighborhood in weird clothes.  And at every house we went to the occupants were giving out candy!  Daddy was really excited about the candy part.
There was one house where a crazy British couple was giving out free shaves instead of candy.
Daddy got into the chair for a shave.
Yeah last night was really weird.  I just remembered something else baffling...Mommy and Daddy and their friends were pushing around 4 strollers, but there are only 3 of us kids...I don't know what was in that 4th stroller but all the mommies and daddies were pretty happy last night.