Saturday, November 1, 2008

Total Wackiness!!!

Sorry I couldn't get back to you yesterday, but my parents kept me out SO LATE last night that I didn't have time to get online.  Check this out...they put me back into those weird clothes and then pushed me around in a stroller for hours, stopping at random people's houses along the way!  
In the dark!  
My peeps Jackson and Emily were there too, they can testify to the madness...
The weirdest part is that we weren't the only ones out doing this last night -- there were all sorts of people walking around our neighborhood in weird clothes.  And at every house we went to the occupants were giving out candy!  Daddy was really excited about the candy part.
There was one house where a crazy British couple was giving out free shaves instead of candy.
Daddy got into the chair for a shave.
Yeah last night was really weird.  I just remembered something else baffling...Mommy and Daddy and their friends were pushing around 4 strollers, but there are only 3 of us kids...I don't know what was in that 4th stroller but all the mommies and daddies were pretty happy last night.

1 comment:

Renee said...

OMG that costume is AWESOME!