Sunday, May 18, 2008

I'm Back!

Whew! We made it back home to CT, but you try sitting in a car seat for 730 miles and see how much you want to cry. Especially when you're facing the back seat and aren't tall enough to look out the window! But I did get to visit my first foreign country (Canada counts, right?) and use my brand new passport!

I also got to meet LOTS and LOTS of relatives. Here's me with Uncle Andy:

And Cio Cia Pat:
And Aunty Leah:
I met Uncle Joey, Uncle Jim and Aunt Marcella, too! And TONS of cousins, including Therese, Cindy, Jimmy, Andy, Kelly, my future Godmother Anne, Alek, and Annika! Alek didn't want to have too much to do with me (those are his pouty folded arms in the background of the first pic), but Annika LOVED posing for pictures with me:We went to Annika's pre-school graduation breakfast:While we were in MI, Aunty Leah and Uncle Joey got Annika and Alek a puppy named Pepper! He's so cute, and he kept on licking me and laying on me. But Mommy didn't get any pictures of us.

We did get some pics of me with Mommy's good good friend Bevin (aka Benniva):Mommy and Bevin are a little crazy when they're together. They thought it would be fun to dress me up like a member of the T-birds (or like Schneider). But oh baby oh, did we have fun with that girl!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah Jonah!! I'm so glad you are back.