You know, I think I really like this holiday stuff. On Thursday night, a big red box arrived for me. I think boxes really are the neatest things. You can use them to help you stand up, climb on them, climb IN them...really great. So I was excited that this one had a handle on it, too! I've never seen one like that before. It was my early Christmas present from my MI cousins. I was so happy to receive this box!

But guess what, people? THE BOX WAS NOT THE GIFT!!! I know, right? There is stuff INSIDE the box that is even better than the box itself. I had no idea!
Mommy's been telling me to think outside the box so it never occured to me to look INSIDE the box, too. You know what was in there? The coolest wagon EVER!!!

I can walk around with it, put stuff in it, take rides in it if I can get Daddy or
Mommy to push's a miracle toy! Thanks Aunty Leah, Uncle Joey, Annika, and Alek!
MORE wondrous things happened to me in these past few days. On Saturday, we went down to Grandma and Grandpa's house to celebrate Daddy's and Uncle Mike's birthdays. Of course my CT cousins were there, and Marissa was looking so beautiful in her pink ballet outfit.

Now that was great and all, but that's not the wonderful part. I got to eat a cupcake!!!

I have to admit that when
Mommy first put the spongy little cylinder in front of me, I had no idea what to do with it. The frosting seemed kind of sticky. But then I touched my fingers to my lips and...


There was no stopping me.

It was a little bit messy, but very very good. And it taught me a valuable lesson that
Mommy has been trying to teach me for several months...I can put that good good stuff into my mouth all by myself, I don't have to wait for my parents to do it for me. And I've been feeding myself pretty well ever since the cupcake experience!

I was trying to tell Marissa to try it, but she passed out just from watching the feeding frenzy. I don't think she even got to try one lick of her frosting!

Brady, on the other hand, didn't want to waste any frosting and so he licked it off of the table.
Poor Marissa, sleeping through all of the fun. Should I wake her up?

Hey listen to this -- I was reading some of Mommy's emails over her shoulder (don't tell her I can read, she'll stop letting me see whatever she writes) and I saw something about having cupcakes at playgroup tomorrow for ND Emily's first birthday...I hope it's true!