Saturday, January 10, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jackson!!!

A lot more went on in the past week than me eating chocolate, but man it was so good I just couldn't wait to show you this picture.  I'll tell you about the rest of my week first.

Sammy, Brady and Marissa gave me an AWESOME chair for Christmas.
I LOVE climbing on it!  But I'm not so good at climbing down OFF the chair...
Jackson and I practiced for Superbowl Sunday.
I've also been W-A-L-K-I-N-G!!!!
See how I can give my friend a ride?
Speaking of my friend Jackson, he turned ONE today!  Happy birthday, Jackson!!!
That's where the chocolate came in.  Jackson, Emily and I went to get some ice cream at October Farms to celebrate the big day.
We had such a good time!  Oh, and I got a new hat.


Phillipa Sara said...

Congrats Jonah...walk, walk, walk

Moonlit Goddess said...

YEAH! Mobility. Just think of all the troublesome places you can now get too. :o)