Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hanging Out

Today my friends Max and Emily came to visit for a playdate. It was loads of fun! Max sang to us the whole time, while Emily squealed with delight. I danced. Horizontally -- I can't walk yet, but I can sure kick my feet while laying on my back!Since it wasn't so oppressively hot today, I got to hang out in the yard with Mommy and Daddy. I even got to ditch the diaper, hee hee...I love naked time!
I think I'm teething. I can't stay asleep, I keep on waking myself up crying, I'm drooling like an ice sculpture in the desert and my nose is all stuffed up. So I got out of bed to post on my blog. I hope this ends soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You just keep getting cuter and cuter. Can't wait to see you and your cousins tomorrow.