Sunday, February 24, 2008

Cry Freedom!

I cried my first tears yesterday! First the right eye, then a little while later, the left. Mommy didn't take any pictures because while they were really really cute tears, I look so sad when I cry, and no one wants to think of a sad Jonah. So here's me NOT being sad:Last night, while Mommy was putting away all of the clothes that our neighbor Tammy brought over from her son, Doc tried to help.Mommy did a little photo shoot with me today, to show how much I've grown in the past few weeks. Here is a picture of me on Feb. 8, about 2 weeks ago.And here is a shot of me today, wearing the same outfit. Do I look bigger? I grew a double chin!I was a really happy baby this morning. Maybe it's because I slept a lot last night (and so did Mommy and Daddy). This afternoon I took a series of long naps.

Aunt Kerry's parents gave me another really cute outfit!Damn, I'm cute. Oh! My first curse word!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle-
With Zev I took a picture on his "month birthday" each month with the same stuffed bear sitting in (well propped up in early on) his rocker. You might try something like that- it's fun to mark the growth.
Thanks for the sweet thank you card by the way!