Sunday, February 17, 2008

A great day!

Today my friends from the old neighborhood came to visit. Emily was so excited to hold me!And I was happy to have Marcia snuggle me all day, even though I look kind of cranky here -- it wasn't Marcia, I was just hungry.Also, Mommy put me in the Moby Wrap that my friend Malaika sent me. Mommy was so excited to receive this really cool present, but she had a little bit of trouble getting the tying/wrapping part right. Then suddenly today we made it work perfectly!This wrap is the best thing ever -- Mommy said she feels liberated, and I feel nice and snuggled. Here's a Mommy's eye view of me. Thanks, Malaika!

1 comment:

Phillipa Sara said...

Yeah, I'm glad you like the wrap Jonah...they are cozy - Love Malaika