Thursday, March 27, 2008

Yesterday SUCKED!!!

Yesterday morning I woke up all ready to spend a wonderful day with Mommy and Daddy. They put me in the car, and I thought we were going somewhere for a walk. But they took me to a building and some lady started poking at me and sticking things in my nose and mouth and shining a bright light at my eyes. And then...and THEN...SHE STUCK ME WITH 3 SHARP NEEDLES IN MY LITTLE LEGS!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH! It hurt, I cried, Mommy cried...and I was crabby all day, even when Grandma came to visit. It was the most beautiful spring day, and I couldn't even enjoy our walk by the river because of the torture I had to undergo earlier today. I really hope today is different.

I did find out yesterday at the mean lady's office that I am perfectly proportioned -- 75% for height (24"), weight (13 lbs) and head circumference (41 cm). Yay, me!

Here's a picture from my 2 month birthday -- I forgot to post it because Mommy's friend Becca was visiting and we went out drinking and got side tracked.I like Becca. She wears cool shoes.

1 comment:

Phillipa Sara said...

I just want to jump through the screen and squeeze you.

Malaika wants you to know that that mean lady is in your first year of life way too often. I feel it for you my friend.