Friday, October 3, 2008

I Heart Goat Cheese!

We went to the Simsbury Farmer's Market yesterday, for the last market of the season. There were dogs and a wandering goat and a talking cow and corn cob! Jackson, Emily and ND Emily were there, too -- and so were their mommies and some of their daddies, including Daddy!There was live music, too, and we babies do love to dance. Emily knows how to boogie!We also love to put everything into our mouths.And I do mean EVERYthing...
Mommy bought some delicious goat cheese from the Griffin Farmstead. I LOVED it! Daddy doesn't like goat cheese, though. I think that is really weird. More for Mommy and me!

ND Emily brought her purse.
And her mommy.Jackson gave his daddy a big smile.Emily got a ride from her daddy.I generally don't like little yippy dogs, but this one is still cute because she's just a puppy. She licked and jumped on me! It made me giggle.
I think this pretty much sums up how I felt about the farmer's market yesterday. Goofy fun!

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