Thursday, August 28, 2008

My friends came to visit!

We had another playdate today, this time at our house! From left to right, Samantha, yours truly, Jack, Emily and Jackson.
Unfortunately Olivia had to leave before we took the group shot.Let me tell you, this little cutie puts the "date" in playdate! She was flirting with me like mad, but the second I turned my head to pick up my wooden frog, she was off making eyes at Jack!Actually, I think the ladies in this group are going to be a handful. Check out the big beautiful eyes on Emily!
And look at her head butting Jackson!
I needed to touch Jackson's head, too.He tried to escape by crawling underneath the couch, but his head wouldn't fit and then he couldn't get himself back out again.Even though I was pulling his hair, Jackson is my buddy and fun to hang out with. We're going down to the Farmer's Market this afternoon for some live music and girl watching.I think the entire Jackson Three will be there. There will be bread, and there will be cheese. Oh yes. Cheese.
In another part of the living room, Samantha and Jack were doing their own little song and dance, Samantha happily playing with toys and then crying as Jack took each one away from her.
I wore my favorite shirt to celebrate Obama's nomination.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy 7 month birthday to me!

I celebrated this momentous occasion by eating a lot of grass.And happily yelling.
Currently one of my greatest joys is yelling. I know it makes my face look funny but the satisfaction a good holler brings is well worth the temporary grimace. Yelling + grass + naked = one happy Jonah.
Check out this cool Jonah-sized toy at the library!
Aunty Kerry spent a lot of time holding me today, and Brady spent a lot of time hugging me (or maybe those were wrestling moves...)
Mommy loves us all!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I think I'll go to Boston

Okay so we never actually went into Boston proper this weekend, but we stayed with my friends who live pretty close to the city. Here's Cate with her mommy, Amy -- Cate's about 2 months older than me and she likes to pat my head.
Look how much bigger I am than 1-month-old Joshua!
Cate's brother, Michael, likes to play with Becca, Joshua's big sister. They both liked the cookies that Mommy made.Cate liked the cookies, too -- here she is eating one with her friend, Gregor.
This picture sums it up -- I had such a very happy weekend with my family and friends!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Lots and lots of people!

I was so busy today, hanging out with oodles of people, I am POOPED right now! I need to put these pictures up tonight though, because tomorrow I'm going to Boston and I'll have even more photos to show you.

Emily (ND Emily, because her daddy's a domer, just like mine) hosted a playdate at her house this morning, and it was so much fun! I met some new friends -- here is Olivia, doesn't she look like she could be my sister?And here is one of Emily's cute and fun new kittens. The kittens names are Daisy and Leo, but I'm not sure which one this is. The ladies sure loved those kitties! And I did, too -- they climbed on me and I laughed and wasn't scared at all!
Only boys whose names begin with "J" are allowed at these playdates. Jack and I hung out on the couch watching all the ladies.Mommy's high school friend, Fredi, came to our house this afternoon. We had fun playing!Then Mommy & Daddy's friend, Gregor, came to visit too. It was such a beautiful evening that we all went out to eat on the deck at The Maple Tree Cafe.I kept my blackberry in my back pocket in case anyone needed to send me an urgent message. After dinner we stopped to get some booze. Look at all the bottles! I love bottles, but none of these had nipples and no one would let me suck on them. I thought that was pretty rude.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

"J" is the new pink

Meet my very new friend, Joshua!Here's a shot of Jackson and I cruising for babes at the Simsbury Farmer's Market. Older woman totally dig us.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Grandma and Gigi came to visit me and they stayed all day, helping Mommy make me food and do laundry. That was fun (for me at least -- I got to play all the time that they were working!)
Emily came over to play, too. She is so cool, just like her mom.Emily is a little bit braver than her mommy, though -- she's not afraid of bees, see her eating one here? Put in the same situation, her mom might, screaming down the street...Just before bed, I spent a few minutes rolling around screaming happily and nakedly in my bedroom. What a great way to end a day!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Say cheese!

I finally got to see Emily again -- she was sick all last week so we couldn't play. She's so cute (and her mom's not bad either), and she's crawling so well! I saw her take off like a shot across the living room to try to release Bogie from the playroom. I like to learn things from her.

Also, finally, a picture of my teeth!
I enjoy making funny faces and sideways smiles when I'm eating, and tonight Mommy gave me some shredded cheese that really made my face go all gaga. I wasn't quite sure what to do with it when she put it in my mouth -- it felt kinda funny -- but I swallowed it and then I wanted more. I think I like it! Now I just have to figure out how to put it in there myself.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Family Days

This past weekend has been so wonderful because Daddy had Friday off from work, and he hung out with Mommy and me for three straight days! We went shopping, out to lunch in Collinsville and dinner in town, to the playground, and even for a hike up Talcott Mountain.
Daddy carried me up in a special backpack that Mommy's very very good friend Jen-nay gave us. I felt like a little prince being carried around in a chair like that!
We had lunch near Heublein Tower, where my cousin Teddy used to work.I practiced my pointing skills.Then I started to get a little tired from all of that "walking," so I took a snooze while Mommy carried me down the mountain.I was a little confused when I woke up and my seat wasn't attached to anyone anymore!On the way home, we stopped at Rosedale Farms where I got some yummy butternut squash, plums and peaches to eat this week!

You can't see this in a still picture, but I have been on the move big time! I've perfected the commando crawl and I really enjoy screaming and rolling around on the floor. I especially love reaching for everything that I am not supposed to, such as cups of water that my parents have left on the floor, plates on the dinner table, remote controls, and telephones.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

My Cousins

I have some sad news to share. Jesse, my doggie cousin, passed away this weekend. We'll miss him, he was such a good, loyal dog and he died much too young. His family is feeling very blue. We love you, Jesse!
Some other not so wonderful news, too -- my Michigan cousins, Annika and Alek, were supposed to arrive today, but poor Annika broke her leg riding her bike! I'm so sad that they had to cancel.
But I do have some happy things to share. My CT cousins came to visit me instead, and despite all the sad stuff that happened, we managed to have a bit of fun.
Marissa is starting to smile already! I checked back in my blog, and Iwas about 5 weeks old when I started. We couldn't get a good smile pic today but next time we will. Here's a shot of Marissa looking very happy in my (Mango's?) bouncy seat.My friend Jackson came over too with his mommy, Melissa. They wanted to meet my cousins. Jackson liked his first ride on the swing.Jackson eats so nicely and neatly. I'm a little less tidy.Sam and Brady had lots of fun with Daddy. In another year he can throw me around, too!I forgot to look at the camera.
Aren't these ladies beautiful?