Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy 7 month birthday to me!

I celebrated this momentous occasion by eating a lot of grass.And happily yelling.
Currently one of my greatest joys is yelling. I know it makes my face look funny but the satisfaction a good holler brings is well worth the temporary grimace. Yelling + grass + naked = one happy Jonah.
Check out this cool Jonah-sized toy at the library!
Aunty Kerry spent a lot of time holding me today, and Brady spent a lot of time hugging me (or maybe those were wrestling moves...)
Mommy loves us all!


Anonymous said...

Jonah - don't you know you are supposed to have cupcakes for your birthday - not grass. Your cousins are absolutely adorable and so are you.

Moonlit Goddess said...

Wow, look at those pretty teeth! So how many do you have now? Looks like you had a great time streaking around.